Sunday, December 25, 2011


It's Christmas. I like this time of year! First Christmas with my first son. It's a hectic time getting to see all the sections of family that are gathering. It's the closing of a year, and it's reminding me that there are a lot of things that I want to do in the coming year. I really want to work on my photography. It's been a bit neglected, and I enjoy it too much to let it fall by the wayside. My acoustic guitar definitely needs some more attention this coming year as well. I also need to start writing. Writing was always a great release that allowed me to clear my head of clutter. I intend to also surround myself with people that inspire me. This past year has brought the demise of a band which I invested years of my life in, along with a "best" friend of sixteen years. It's a harsh reminder that nothing in life is permanent.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Time to put this thing into Drive.

So, maybe it is time to start using my Blogger account. I've always wanted to do a bit of writing anyways, so here's a perfect opportunity. I don't promise anything truly interesting, but we'll see what happens.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5